Our Shih Tzus
Dindi and Yumyum's baby at 8 weeks
Shih Tzus in a wagon
In the wagon is Layla, T'pau, Thunder and Rosie
Maple and Thunder's baby at 8 weeks
Maple and Thunders baby at 8 weeks of age
Dindi is a Cobb Mountain girl, born here. Her parents are Lola and Thunder. She is loving, easy going and beautiful.
Maple is a Cobb Mountain girl, her parents are Lingling and Yumyum. She is very affectionate and loves to swim.
Yumyum is Daddy to many of our Shih Tzu babies. He is super loving and gives awesome hugs. He is also from champion lines.
Thunder is a Daddy to many of our Shih Tzu babies. He is very laid back, affectionate,an old soul.
Yaleo is a Cobb Mountain girl. Her parents are Lola and Thunder. She is so sweet and loving.
Andy is coming to my small dog obedience class. HIs parents are Dindi and Yumyum.
Lingling is retired, but is grandma to many of the Shih tzus here at Cobb Mountain Shih tzus. She is a perfect representation of the breed and has a loving, sweet temperament.